• TRISA - Tips for oral health | © TRISA - Tips for oral health

Healthy begins in the mouth

It has been scientifically proven that diseases of the teeth or mouth can have a negative impact on other diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, good oral hygiene always contributes to good health in general. In addition to dental care, oral care also means gum care. Diseases often begin with inconspicuous bleeding gums, and the warning signs should be recognized and treated. Secondary diseases such as gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums, or periodontitis, an inflammation of the periodontium, are devastating. In most cases, proper oral care helps to prevent diseases.

It is essential to choose a suitable toothbrush that does not damage the gums but also ensures thorough cleaning. The balance between cleaning the gums and avoiding injury to the gums is very difficult and varies greatly from person to person. As a manufacturer of oral care products, we ask ourselves every day how we can make our products even better. This article is intended to provide clarity and deepen our understanding of dental care.

Filaments - different properties/different characteristics | © Filaments - different properties/different characteristics

What differences are there in the condition of the bristles?

Tapered filaments (filament type)

Suitable for cleaning the interdental spaces. Often in combination with soft, rounded bristles, which enable optimum cleaning of the tooth surface. Toothbrushes with tapered filaments are usually available as sensitive and soft toothbrushes.

Rounded filaments (filament type)

Offer optimum cleaning of the tooth surface and can have a soft to hard degree of hardness depending on the filament diameter. Thanks to the rounded bristles, the gums are not damaged.

Extra soft filaments (texture)

The extra-soft filaments have a smaller diameter than the products with a «medium» or «hard» degree of hardness and therefore feel pleasantly soft.

High-low cut (finishing process)

The high-low cut improves the interdental cleaning performance of a bristle field and often reaches the interdental spaces better.

Angled filaments (finishing process)

The different position of the filament bundles enables better cleaning of the tooth margin and interdental spaces.

In addition to choosing the right toothbrush, the brushing technique, proper care of the spaces between the teeth and the use of the right toothpaste are crucial. The duration and frequency of tooth brushing also contribute significantly to the health of the teeth. Bacteria feed on sugar and produce acid in the process. This attacks the tooth enamel and dissolves minerals from the teeth. It is therefore important to keep the bacteria in check.

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Which is better, a manual toothbrush or an electric toothbrush?

The answer to this question depends on the user. With a manual toothbrush, you can achieve the same results as with an electric toothbrush if you spend enough time brushing and use a good brushing technique. However, with a manual toothbrush, you have no control over the pressure you exert on the toothbrush and therefore on the gums, and it also requires a certain amount of sensitivity to brush differently in different places, either strongly or gently. An electric toothbrush can help with this. Different brushing settings (intensive, sensitive) allow you to brush less vigorously or more vigorously and the pressure exerted is often controlled by systems.

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Proper brushing should be learned!                                                                                      

A good brushing technique is characterized by a systematic approach, i.e. not brushing quickly, but thoroughly tooth by tooth, brushing the gums at the same time and applying appropriate pressure. Loosely guiding the toothbrush with light circular movements is an effective method. However, movements from the top (gums) to the bottom (tip of the tooth) are also suitable. In this case, the transition between tooth and gum is cleaned well. A regular check-up at the dentist can help to identify deficits and optimize the brushing routine.

Oral health - Mouthwash | © Oral health - Mouthwash

Mouthwash or mouth rinse, what is the difference and should you use them every day?

Mouthwashes are ready to use and can be applied directly without dilution with water. Mouthwash, on the other hand, must be diluted with water beforehand. Depending on the formulation, mouthwashes can be used daily or only for a limited period of time. Products with antiseptic active ingredients are often recommended after dental procedures to support wound healing. A mouthwash for daily use does not contain these active ingredients, or only in small doses, but often contains fluoride to effectively protect the teeth.

TRISA interdental care | © TRISA interdental care

Why is interdental care so important?

More than 30% of the tooth surface is located between the teeth. Inadequate cleaning of these areas leads to tartar, tooth decay and bad breath. Consequential diseases such as gingivitis are encouraged. This makes it all the more important to integrate interdental care into your daily dental care routine. Both interdental brushes and dental floss are suitable for cleaning. With an interdental brush, the bristles surround the tooth and clean it thoroughly. Dental floss helps to remove residue from under the gums and to clean the spaces between the teeth, especially in the case of crowded teeth. To successfully combat bad breath, it is also important to remove plaque and bacteria from the tongue. This is best done with a tongue cleaner.

Braces cleaning | © Braces cleaning

The challenges of braces

Due to the inaccessible areas between the brackets and at the edge of the attachment, the spread of plaque is many times greater. Plaque is the main cause of tooth decay, gum disease and other health problems. TRISA has developed Bracket Clean to prevent these problems. The middle filaments are shorter and reach the brackets perfectly. The outer long filaments surround the brackets and gently clean the edge and the gums. Place the toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees (half on the gums and half on the teeth) and brush the teeth with small, circular movements.

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Dental care starts with the milk teeth

Despite their short lifespan, babies' milk teeth need to be cleaned thoroughly from day one. This lays the foundation for lifelong dental health. In the first few years, the primary dentition serves as a placeholder, as the baby's jaw does not provide enough space for the permanent teeth. Daily cleaning serves on the one hand to get the baby used to it at an early age, and on the other hand to prevent tooth decay. If a decayed baby tooth is not treated, it can become infected and damage the next tooth underneath as well as the bone. Milk teeth have thinner enamel and are therefore more susceptible to bacteria and erosion (damage caused by acid or heavy brushing). This makes it all the more important to start dental care early. The TRISA baby toothbrush has a very small brush head with extra soft filaments, which prevents injuries and makes it easy to reach hard-to-reach areas. The red filaments in the middle of the toothbrush help children to apply the correct amount of toothpaste.